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The Subconscious

AUG 9th


Miniature line inspired by European and Eastern styles, fabrics, silhouettes, and Medieval artifacts


In retrospect, this line focuses on the meta-cognitive creative process of understanding and expressing the contents of one's own subconscious realm in the form of fashion. 


As a result, a deeper understanding of my own expression, storage of ideas, and method to obtain ideas and memories were achieved. During the creative process, I soon came to realize that when blindly pattern making and draping, certain lines and shapes in my mind would associate what I see with a specific silhouette. After further pondering, I realized that in my internal/external visual-linguistic framework or schema, I associated certain lines and shapes to silhouettes commonplace in certain cultures.


The best part of designing this fashion line was learning to intermix these lines together to make unique new shapes and silhouettes. 

The perspective used to interpret these ideas is rather surrealistic and dark in nature. A significant amount of inspiration came from surrealistic European artworks, literature, and specifically, visual depictions of the Dark Age. 

In reflection, I feel that the mood and tone of this line are not pessimistic or sad, but more mystic, comfortable, a bit gloomy/muted, but also playful. The lesson I learned through this experiment is that you can draw inspiration from a variety of emotions to grow, heal, hope, and dream. It expands upon ideas and memories often incomplete and allows you to move on to better ideas and problem-solving. 

Note: Garment 2 is a Margiela-inspired garment***

           Fabrics designed by CottonInc***

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